Monday, September 28, 2020

 Groovy grilled steak without the grill!

    Sometimes you want the taste of grilled steak but that's not always possible. For some it's too cold or icy in the winter and others it is too hot to go out and grill in the summer and for others they may be in an apartment and no place for a grill. 

    Hot Air Fryer to the rescue! If you check the Cuts Of Meat section you'll see examples of the cuts of meat you can get from the short loin, any of those will work here but for this recipe we'll be discussing the boneless strip steak. You can buy them or cut them from the bone as I show in the Cuts Of Meat section; and before anyone tries to tell me "there is more flavor in the cut with the bone", that is false, unless your name is Rover, Fido, Spot, Bailey or Gizmo! The extra flavor comes from the fat and gristle close to the bone, not the bone itself!

     You have several prep options and these are to taste: first you can simply cook the steak as is, or you might wish to season it first. I personally like black peppercorns, but other options include garlic powder, onion powder, cajun seasoning etc. Some folk like their steak marinated, if that's you marinate overnight in your favorite marinade (bbq sauce, hot sauce, teriyaki etc) in the refrigerator but be sure to bring to room temp before cooking.

     Spray the basket for the air fryer with cooking spray and set to 400 degrees for 2 minutes place the steak in the basket and cook at 400 for 6 minutes (this is for an approximate 1" thick steak, adjust time for thickness). After 6 minutes flip steak and cook another six minutes. At the same time you flip the steak you can also add a vegetable like broccoli etc.

     You can also prepare some rice, fries or other steamed veggie to go with your steak or simply enjoy as is. In the picture I threw some baked waffle fries in the oven to go with my steak that tastes just like it was cooked on a grill.



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